Saturday, April 3, 2010

Colorado Trip

After a depressing long Chicago winter, I got out of the city last week and got to experience snow that you can actually do something with, like snow ball fights, skiing and general fun.

For those of you unfamiliar with Chicago snow, it only serves the purpose of making it harder to walk, trickling down your shirt, getting dirty and drab and come early spring, falling on you from very tall buildings.

My trip took me to Colorado, airfare courtesy of my old roommate and Buick compatriot, Edward, along with Colyn (another exroommate and fellow Buickteer) and his girl, Sarah (aka the girl who knows everybody everywhere through Arkansas Ultimate).

The following posts will detail some of our travels in roughly chronological order.

1 comment:

Colyn said...

So glad we did this one, buddy. So glad you and Ed were there!