Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cross Eyed Cats

I live in a 3 rise condominum in Chicago's West Loop. The area is changing dramatically day to day, with the status quo previously of Ada Homes Projects and Italian communities side by side, being turned upside down with the influx of middle class suburbia looking for a second home.

For myself and my roommates, it afforded a better habitat than most while going to school, with an excellent view of the city and plenty of space. Located right near a field, it benefits our desire to be outdoors often.

In fact, there are only a few things I could honestly gripe about regarding my present living situation and the one that stands out in my mind right now, which I cannot shake, is that damn cat downstairs.

Now, don't get me wrong, I like cats. I might even love cats. When they aren't shedding on everything, they are amazing animals. Intelligent and intuitive, they can be your best friend or worst enemy. That individual potential makes them far superior to their canine partners in domestication.

Dogs are seen as smart, much like dolphins, because when you tell them to do something, you can actually get them to do it. I consider cats intelligent, simply because they don't. They tell you to fuck off. That is an intelligent animal.

Unfortunately, this downstairs cat is ruining all the regal charm a cat should possess. Day after day, I come home to find him on the sill of the double back window staring out, through the screen, taking note of my arrival.

This cat takes note through a strange lopsided look, as it tries to make me out, failing recognition between its severely cross eyed vision. And this is why I can't stand to come home to see this cat day after day. He is ruining my perception of cats all together. He stupidly turns his head to the side, this way and that, attempting to take me in. He has yet to show the fabled perception I believe all cats to have. He is ruining my schema.

I have since run experiments on this cat, while it sat on its perch and have come to only one endearing conclusion. (No, I have not since found the cat adorable). After running similar tests to what the optometrist would run on me, I found that it is very aware that it is cross eyed, which is more than I could say for a dog of a similar disposition.

The fact that it knows it is not seeing as it desires to, is its only saving grace.

Damn that cat.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


It was two years ago, this past summer, when I first met her.

A girl of unsurpassed beauty.

A girl of never-ending energy.

A girl willing to tell me how it is.

A girl unwilling to compromise.

A girl willing to try anything.

A girl unwilling to accept anything, but what she believes to be the best.

My girl.

It was two years ago, this month, we became more than just friends.

It's been two years. Seems like yesterday. Time flies. When I am with her.

She is my rock, my confidante, my love.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

We Are The Champions!

Summer League 060

Summer League was an entirely new experience for Ed, Colyn and myself. Captaining a team that consisted almost entirely of high schoolers and first year college students, we found that a lot of fundamental work was necessary and the youngins up to the task. It was inspiring to watch these kids grow as players and go back to their schools with new information and ideas.

We were the favor
ites going into the Summer League Tournament, but on the day we lost many of our best youngins and found ourselves near savage.

We found ourselves working as well together won the tournament, winning a magnum of cheap champagne. As
only a handful of us were over 21, we certainly felt the effects of our celebration quickly.

Of course, no tournament is complete without a Jagg-Off.

Votes are now up!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Summer Recap

As per usual, my posting is inconsistent at best. This is larger because I've noticed a year and a half out of college and my grammar and flow in creative writing has gone to hell. All the more reason I should continue posting. This, however, is a Summer Recap in pictures.

June 8th:
BB King at Perillo Music Shell

BB King closed out Blues Fest in his usual glory, his first appearance at the Chicago Blues Fest in 20 years. My second time seeing BB King live, I was not disappointed. Few musicians really seem to appreciate their art to be point it becomes them. BB King is one of the few.

June 28th:
Stevie Wonder at Perillo Music Shell

Another musical genius, Stevie Wonder, performs at the Taste of Chicago.

July 11th:
Feist at Ravinia

A beautiful show by an artist who does beautiful things on stage. Pictures to follow.

July 15th:
All About Eve
A young and unknown Marilyn Monroe (Miss Caswell) in a scene with Anne Baxter, Bette Davis and George Sanders.
Brilliant movie amazingly written. Again, something I would have liked to talk more about at the time.

July 22nd:
The Odd Couple

As much as I love both of these actors, I had difficulty watching this movie as pathetic people are difficult to watch for hours at a time.

July 29th:
Blues Brothers
Nothing is as awesome as seeing your city in a movie, this is the case with Wanted, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and All Batman movies. But Blues Brothers is an iconic staple of Chicago. Unfortunately, near the end of the movie a storm came through and Sonia and I decided to enjoy the summer storm and stroll through Millennium Park and played in the rain.

Movies of the Summer:
Iron Man: One of the best comic book movies I have ever seen. Robert Downey Jr. gains respect from me as an actor.
Wanted: One of the worst action movies I've ever seen, but Angelina has never looked more attractive, and the city looks as wonderful as ever.
Dark Knight: The best comic book movie I have ever seen. Heath Ledger was amazing as the Joker.
Tropic Thunder: Robert Downey Jr. gets even better, in a movie which certainly has some slow points, but some uproarious ones as well.
At Home:
The Orphange: I am honestly afraid of scary movies. I do not like them. So Sonia had to pull my teeth for weeks before I sat down and watched this with her. And it was truly beautiful. The story is great, the cinematography is gorgeous and everyone should see it.
Pan's Labyrinth: This received a lot more acclaim, and like the one above it, had the hand of Guillermo del Toro to direct it artistically.

That's a brief summer recap. More to come.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

English Theory

"Remarkably" is, in its very existence, a redundant word.

It only exists to proclaim something presently being remarked about.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wisconsin, Ho!

The newest developement in my career has me traveling to multiple destinations a week to inspect construction sites throughout the country. I've been given all of Wisconsin and Minnesota as markets over which I have purview. I have taken these moments to conduct an empirical study on the persons from these pleasant states. Wisconsin, our neighbor to the north, was particularly entertaining.

1. To begin with, the rumors about cows and cheese and beer are true, and both are those Wisconsinites proud of it. It is everywhere, particularly as you move northward, and many "chessy" monuments proclaim their pride in fields full of bovines, beer and cheese.

2. Wisconsites drive slowly. This is an understatement. I believe they may even never break the literal translation as speed LIMIT. Where this mindset was cultivated, I do not know, but it wasn't in Chicago and means it takes me forever to get anywhere.

3. Going along with the slow easy drive, may be the Wisconsin attitude of general friendliness. These people are really good damn easy to please, and boy, do they like to smile. Especially about cows, cheese and beer. Only three things can stir outward forms of aggression from them: A. Make fun of their football team
2. Make fun of their baseball team
D. Mention you are from Chicago
Though the kicker is to mock any and all monuments you come across with Favre as its centerpiece.

The funniest thing about Wisconsities and their friendliness, is they remind Chicagoans of Canadians. Funnily enough, Wisconsities see their neighbors to the north, Minnesota and the UP of Michigan, as the detestable pseudo-Canadians with the funny accents and friendly demeanors, just as we view them. It makes one wonder how Kentucky views us...

4. Perhaps one good reason for all the friend atmosphere, is the ridiculous quanitity of Christian music. Radio in Wisconsin is pretty damn awful. The most frustrating part of it, is that no two radio stations sound the same, but they all revolve around Wisconsin's Lord and Savior, Jesus (unless you are listening to an AM station, in which case the Lord and Savior is Brett). As you switch channels, you think, thank god, no more Christian Country, until you listen to the lyrics, and realize you are listening to Christian Rock, followed by Christian Gospel, Jazz, Easy Listening, Hard Rock, Blues. I went through 5 stations at one time, and got the word "Jesus" within the first 10 seconds of each, and then switched again.

In conclusion, if you like cows, beer, cheese, Christianity, pseudo-Canadians and safe drivers, Wisconsin is the place for you. If you like football, well, Favre is gone, Wisconsin (and his replacements don't look so hot).

That's the intrepid explorer, signing off.

Addendum: These natural laws are entirely void in Madison, a truly amazing city.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


I have had this blog since last September. Since last September, many wonderful, sad, joyous and wholly remarkable things have happened. Yet I have forgone remarking upon them.

This is largely due to the fact I always believed blogs like books need beginnings, something to define the character of the author or to set the mood of the narration being told. This theory has left me with 6 months of uncaptured memories.

Ergo, my name is David and this is my blog. It is about nothing in particular. It captures moments I hope not to forget, the smiles of friends, and the loss of loved ones. It will do its best to record life through my eyes and avoid the sappy swamps blogs often pull from their author's desperately introspective innards.

David's Blog Commences.