So I've been accused of not writing enough in this blog. This is a fallacy. A better argument is that I haven't been posting enough in this blog.
I write quite a bit actually, not nearly as often as I like, as the purpose of this blog is to track to most minute thoughts and interactions that amuse me. I do find myself often beginning a post and bailing half way through and have half a dozen unfinished posts hidden just behind this page, perhaps never to see the light of day.
Abandoning my own criticisms would probably be wise at this point, because as a result, I've failed to memorialize a dozen wonderful moments.
So what have you missed from my life since Fall. Sonia and I went to several shows, Jersey Boys, Wicked. And found ourselves going out and having a wonderful time in Chicago shortly before Christmas. Sonia left for Romania a few weeks before Christmas. Two weeks later I flew into London, just before New Year's and we met up. Along with my brother flying in from Colombia and his girlfriend flying in from Madrid, we were an international crowd.
We saw London, spent some time down in Brighton with my wonderful grandmother, and then spent a little more time in London, seeing the sights, driving on the wrong side of the road and just generally having a grand time. We finished the trip with wonderful seats at Les Miserables, which had us both in tears by the end. For a more visual perspective, my Flickr account has many pictures from our trip.
Since returning Stateside, I've gotten into building an pre-club ultimate frisbee team, which has taken up most of my time. It fills a void I haven't had in a while, not since leaving college, and being able to build something like that gets me up every morning.
Sadly, my hamstring is not yet better and coaching is still about all I can do, causing me to miss Trouble in Vegas with Haymaker this past weekend. All unfortunate events have a silver lining though, and tomorrow, I will be getting LASIK (which took two weeks of no contacts to get ready for). So next time I post, it will be with perfect vision.
Hopefully my next post will involve more insight and less overview.
Until next time.